10th World Water Forum Follow Up Meeting in Jakarta Bolsters Political Initiatives and Media Narratives in Tackling Global Water Challenges

Jakarta, February 28, 2025 - The World Water Council held a "Follow Up Meeting of the 10th World Water Forum" in Jakarta on 27-28 February, 2025 with the aim of promoting sustainable collaboration in global water governance, emphasizing the importance of the role of government at all levels, including the head of state, members of parliament, ministries, local authorities and watershed councils, to take real action to address water challenges.

“The meeting, attended by high-level stakeholders, also served as a bridge between the 10th World Water Forum, which was successfully held in Bali from May 18 to 25, 2024 and the 11th World Water Forum which will be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2027 under the theme "Action for a Better Future", said World Water Council President Loïc Fauchon. 

In the series of events of the Follow Up Meeting, various discussions addressed related topics in the water sector and emphasized the importance of water diplomacy in promoting cooperation and international peace. 

The meeting further established follow-up actions in the form of commitments to implement the recommendations and outcomes of the 10th World Water Forum through various policy initiatives and was also marked by the launching of the 10th World Water Forum Report and the World Water Warrior's Guide.

Deputy Minister of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia Diana Kusumastuti during the high-level meeting highlighted the urgency of transformative efforts in the field of water resources management.

"Considering that water sources are vital, integrated water security measures must be on the national agenda. This can be achieved through efforts to increase national cooperation as well as international cooperation and financing in the development of sustainable water resources," she added.

In addition, the Bandung Action Water Agenda was also reaffirmed as a form of effort in creating solutions related to water issues, investment and financing for sustainable development by emphasizing the importance of the role of government and private sector in the management of water resources.

The follow-up meeting also elaborated the six thematic agendas for global water solutions including "Water for Humans and Nature", "Water Security and Prosperity", "Disaster Risk Reduction and Management", "Governance, Cooperation and Hydro Diplomacy", "Sustainable Water Financing" and "Knowledge And Innovation".

The Role of the Media in Shaping Narratives of Global Water Challenges 

As part of the Follow Up Meeting, World Water Council President Loïc Fauchon met with journalists to share insights on "Water in the Spotlight: Media Narratives for Global lmpact", focusing on efforts to raise public awareness of global water challenges and the prospects for global water diplomacy.

The meeting of Loïc Fauchon and the media crew concluded the series of the 10th World Water Forum Follow-Up Meeting in Jakarta, which also served as a bridge between the 10th World Water Forum in Bali in 2024 and the upcoming 11th World Water Forum in Riyadh.

Fauchon said: "The media in Indonesia plays an important role in shaping the narrative of global water diplomacy, disseminating information as well as raising awareness on water issues as part of efforts to collectively find solutions to the world's water problems. One of these is the dissemination of news about best practices rooted in the local community for water sustainability. The local practice of disaster mitigation in Aceh and Subak irrigation in Bali are examples of forms of local wisdom in mitigating the effects of climate change that can be replicated in various other parts of the world."

"With a variety of good practices in water conservation and disaster mitigation, I have no hesitation in calling Indonesia a champion of water conservation. Therefore, the media plays an important role in disseminating information and messages to the global community, ultimately encouraging the implementation of concrete actions," he concluded.

In line with Fauchon, the Director General of Water Resources of the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works Lilik Retno Cahyadiningsih stated that the role of the media is very important in conveying the key messages of the 10th World Water Forum.

"Media outreach can be an opportunity to spread the news about the commitments and agreements made at the 10th World Water Forum. We also hope that journalists can help spread information about the global efforts to find solutions to global water problems," Lilik said. She also reasserted Indonesia's commitment to raise awareness on water issues and crises, working with various sectors, especially the press.

Also in attendance was the Special Advisor for Water Resources and International Cooperation of the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works Arie Setiadi Moerwanto. He said, "In terms of media coverage in support of global water solutions efforts, the Indonesian context demonstrates the challenges and opportunities of public communication on water issues. This must be a common concern considering that Indonesia, as an island nation, will be greatly affected by the water crisis."

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