The 10th World Water Forum is just less than a month away. As the host country, Indonesia plays a crucial role in providing a global platform for stakeholders to discuss various issues related to water management.
Chairman of the Secretariat of the National Organizing Committee of the 10th World Water Forum and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) Mohammad Zainal Fatah stated that the 10th World Water Forum is an opportunity to share experiences, innovations, and solutions in the management and preservation of water resources.
"The 10th World Water Forum is expected to be a pivotal moment for Indonesia to showcase its leadership and commitment to global efforts in addressing water management challenges," said Zainal Fatah while representing Minister PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, during the program "Indonesia Bicara - Road to the 10th World Water Forum 2024", on Thursday (25/4).
The Significance of Political Aspects
The 10th World Water Forum consists of three main processes, namely the Political Process, the Regional Process, and the Thematic Process involving all relevant stakeholders. The Thematic Process comprises six sub-themes to be collectively discussed to find common global goals.
These six sub-themes include Water Security and Prosperity, Water for Humans and Nature, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Governance, Cooperation and Hydro-diplomacy, Sustainable Water Finance, and Knowledge and Innovation.
Meanwhile, the Regional Process covers Asia Pacific, America, Africa, and the Mediterranean. Zainal Fatah revealed that each country has its own water management issues and focuses. Therefore, a comprehensive regional approach is necessary.
The Political Process consists of five levels, namely Head of States, Parliamentarians, Ministerial, Local Authorities, and Basin Authorities. Indonesia facilitates the political process in the 10th World Water Forum to discuss water management policies from the implementation level to the Head of State.
Creating Global Commitment

The 10th World Water Forum is expected to foster a stronger global commitment to addressing water resource management challenges. This forum is also envisioned to encourage more effective and sustainable actions while strengthening international cooperation.
"Through this forum, Indonesia aims to promote four deliverables outcomes that will become legacies, namely the establishment of the Centre of Excellence on Water and Climate Resilience (COE), and the mainstreaming of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on Small Islands," said Secretary General Zainal Fatah.
Moreover, Indonesia proposes the establishment of World Lake Day (WLD) during the 10th World Water Forum. As for concrete follow-ups on this forum, they will be included in the Ministerial Declaration Compendium of Concrete Deliverables and Actions in the form of a list of activities.