The Republic of Indonesia is honored to host the 10th World Water Forum in 2024 in Bali, the largest international event for water resources stakeholders. As a host country, we are committed to organize the 10th World Water Forum with a forward-looking and concrete agenda. This event allows all stakeholders to collaborate through fruitful discussions and bring about actions-oriented results in the water sector.
Indonesia places water issues on the top priority agenda to reaffirm our dedications on achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 6 and the water-related goals of the 2030 agenda. We are committed to protect and conserve water resources and promote sustainable use of water through the implementation of Water Resources Management (IWRM) at all appropriate levels.
Regarding the importance to tackling water issues, Indonesia as the host country with the World Water Council aims to bring an overarching theme of “Water for Shared Prosperity” for the 10th World Water Forum. As we seek for engagement of related stakeholders since the beginning of the preparation, we already held the 1st Announcement for the World Water Forum 2024 at the national level with the ministries and agencies on July 8th, 2022 and the 2nd National Stakeholder Forum with experts, academics, professional associations, BUMN, business/private entities, media, communities, and NGOs on August 11th, 2022. For the next engagement forum, we will organize the Third Announcement at the national level on January 19, 2023.