Food & Water Security
Food and Water security is a global issues, therefore, adoption a long-term development strategy to fulfill rising water, and food demands while also achieving conservation and climate goals is needed. Food & water security is chosen as one of the four themes of 10th World Water Forum’s Expo. This event will be a platform to discuss and showcase innovation related to agriculture and livestock.

Indonesia’s Heritage Museum
Discover Indonesia’s rich culture and unique local wisdom which influence the way we maintain food & water security.

Interactive Booth
Get the first-hand experience in creating positive impact for our community.

Start-up Corner
Uncover the most recent innovations made by Indonesia’s leading start-up and their solutions for food and water issues.
Water Related Disaster Risk
Located in an active seismic zone naturally, Indonesia is exposed to significant geophysical hazards (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis). Taking the momentum of the 10th World Water Forum, Indonesia is keen to showcase institutional capacity for water-related disaster risk resilience. Join the program to see the latest innovation and be a part of the discussion only at the 10th World Water Forum.

World’s Water Related Disaster Map
Learn about the water related disaster risk across the world and how they manage to solve using their local knowledge.

Indonesia’s IFI Members
Get to know how Indonesia’s ministries and institutions work together to strengthen water-related disaster resilience.

Innovation & Technology Corner
Uncover Indonesia’s latest innovation to prevent water related disaster risk.
Low Land and Water Management
Managing water in lowland regions are one of the key factors to ensure the availability of food stocks. Join the Low Land and Water Management program to see the latest innovation and efforts related to achieving self-sufficient water management for the welfare of all.

Indonesia Water-Related Infrastructure
Witness concrete evidence of Indonesia's extensive development of irrigation systems and water management across archipelago.

Indonesia Water Infrastructure Miniature
Take a look at Indonesia's impressive dams, irrigation facilities, and water management infrastructure in smaller scale.

The major forces behind advancements in water management are governmental programs. Find the insight of the partnership between KPUPR and the Kementan presented on this interactive wall and booth.
Safe water and sanitation are two of the most basic requirements for human health, and it is human rights to have access to both. Discover Indonesia’s progress, achievement and efforts to provide sanitation to the most rural areas in the nation and participate actively in making the world a better place here at Expo.

iPledge to support “Clean Water & Sanitation for All”
Take part in pledging for a better future.

Crowdfunding Corner
Solving sanitation issues require everyone to participate. Join the cause and donate to reach more households in Indonesia.

Sanitation Seminar
Participate and witness how government, NGOs and general public collaborate in providing water and sanitation services to the rural area of Indonesia.
Citizen’s Forum
To achieve the 10th World Water Forum main goal “Water for Shared Prosperity”, it needs everyone to take part in solving water related issues. The Citizen’s Forum as a part of Expo & Fair program aims to invite Indonesians (researchers, high school students, university students, and general public) to submit their ideas & solution related to water resources management. There will be 4 chosen winners representing each type of audiences and their ideas will be implemented to rural areas of Indonesia through a 3-months of roadshows. Their activities will be showcased through a movie junket and youth innovation center at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia.

Idea Submission
(January - February 2023)

Winner Announcement
(March 2023)

Roadshow & Filming
(May - July 2023)

Movie Junket
(May 2024)

Youth Innovation Center
(10th World Water Forum 18 - 24 May 2024)
Youth Innovation Center
Youth holds the main role in achieving water for shared prosperity, therefore, Indonesia as a host country holds a Citizen’s Forum to drive awareness and participation of Indonesian youth to solve water resources management. The Youth Innovation Center at the 10th World Water Forum serves as a platform to showcase ideas and solution (mainly from Indonesia’s youth). Adapting TedTalk, participating youths will have a chance to present their ideas and findings to Expo & Fair visitors

Water Festival
Safe water and sanitation are two of the most basic requirements for human health, and it is human rights to have access to both. Discover Indonesia’s progress, achievement and efforts to provide sanitation to the most rural areas in the nation and participate actively in making the world a better place here at Expo.

Foods of the World
Discover the world through taste at the Fair, and indulge yourself with various cuisine of the worlds at 10th World Water Forum.

SMEs Booth
Discover Indonesia’s leading sustainable SMEs products.

Music Charity Concert
Enjoy music performances and donate to your favorite cause.
Entertainment & Cultural Program
Being one of the events that can bring together various countries, entertainment shows and cultural introduction programs to local and foreign communities is one of the attractions for the fair.

Indonesia Cultural Show
Enjoy dozens of Indonesian cultural performances along the fair area for 7 days non-stop.

World’s Nation Hours
Dive deeper into the world with cultural exchanges and performances from other countries.