Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How can I join the vidio competition?

Point Registration

  1. You are required to make an account through the website  
  2. Choose program Video Competition, then fill the form for registration and you will get a confirmation email reply. 

Point Submission

  1. When it comes to our submission date (January 5, 2023 - February 5, 2024 ), submit the video link through the website. 
  2. Go to our website, then choose youth program.  
  3. Find Video Competition program and fill out the form for submission. 
  4. You have only one chance to submit your response.

2. Is there any specific theme for the Video Competition program?

The theme of this video competition revolves around “Appropriate Technology Applications” with 6 sub themes. The video should showcase how innovative and sustainable technological solutions are addressing water-related challenges, such as conservation, distribution, or any other aspect relevant to water management. It serves as a platform for you(th) to connect, learn from each other, and foster a deeper understanding of the significance of water.

3. When will the submission of Video Competition program be taken place?

The Video Competition submission will be held online on January 5, 2023 - February 5, 2024, allowing you(th) to submit the video link through the form provided in the website.

4. How should I submit the video? 

The video must be uploaded to YouTube and the YouTube link must be attached in the submission form. 

5. Is the storyline and video caption mandatory, or are they just optional? 

The video caption is an optional element that must be consistently included in your YouTube video. In contrast, the storyline is optional. Both the storyline and caption can be documented in a PDF, which is then submitted through the provided form.

6. Is the program open to the public?

The program welcomes individual under 35-year old, regardless nationality.

7. What is the official media account?

All information will be exclusively disseminated through the official email address at and the official Instagram accounts, namely @worldwaterforum10, in collaboration with @asianwatercouncil. The organizers disclaim any responsibility for activities or actions conducted through other email addresses and unofficial Instagram accounts.

8. What is the status of the commercialization rights for the works produced by selected participants?

The World Water Forum Committee will take the commercialization rights of the works submitted by the selected participants.