Public Relations Coordinating Board (Bakohumas) Takes Part in Promoting the 10th World Water Forum

The Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) held a Thematic Forum of the Public Relations Coordinating Board (Bakohumas) to conduct a socialization or public communication agenda concerning the 10th World Water Forum which will take place in Bali, on 18-24 May 2024.  

With the theme "Public Communication Strategy of the 10th World Water Forum in 2024", this Forum is an effort of the MPWH to coordinate public relations between government agencies in promoting the 10th World Water Forum.

"Next year,  Indonesia will co-host the 10th World Water Forum in Bali. We should make this forum an opportunity to improve Indonesia's nation branding in the world. It therefore  requires a public communication strategy," said Director General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCI/Kominfo), also as Chairman of Bakohumas, Usman Kansong in his opening speech.

Usman Kansong emphasized that public communication is more than just for nation branding. Public communication strategy is crucial to bring impacts in changing people's knowledge, attitude, and behavior towards sustainable water resources usage.

The 2024 program plan for the upcoming World Water Forum includes providing media center with a capacity of 2000 media; organizing press conferences related to the 10th WWF, FMB 9, and Influencer Gathering; and also applying various promotional media, such as banners and billboards, to SMS Blast and running text on television.

Enhancing Awareness on Water

Usman Kansong quoted Benjamin Franklin's words, “When the well is dry, we learn the worth of water” and invites the entire community to treat water as a valuable natural resource for life through the 10th World Water Forum.

In line with that, the Special Advisor of MPWH for Water Resources Mr. Firdaus Ali as one of the panelists revealed that the upcoming World Water Forum is very important, considering that nearly every region worldwide is facing a water crisis. “Nowadays, people are increasingly experiencing difficulties in fulfilling their needs for clean water,” he added. 

This situation is the reason why Indonesia chooses "Water for Shared Prosperity" as the theme of the 10th World Water Forum. It is hoped that the 10th World Water Forum would serve concrete solutions for water issues and provide prosperity for all.

Firdaus Ali further elaborated that this forum carries three processes, namely thematic, political, and regional. The thematic discussion included six subthemes: Water Security and Prosperity, Water for Humans and Nature, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Governance, Cooperation, and Hydro-diplomacy, Sustainable Water Finance, Knowledge and Innovation.

The regional process is divided into four regions of the Mediterranean, Asia Pacific, Africa, and the Americas. Discussions at the regional level are necessary because each region has different uniqueness and challenges regarding water. 

Meanwhile, the political process is divided into meetings at the level of heads of state, ministers, parliaments, local governments, and river basin authorities. Hence, the 10th World Water Forum is expected as a decision-making platform to conduct water at the top agenda in every country.

Firdaus Ali also emphasized that the 10th World Water Forum not only belongs to the Ministry of MPWH. He encouraged all Indonesian people to take part in this one of the biggest international forums related to water.

The Government of Indonesia also invites all governmental agencies and the public to disseminate information about the upcoming 10th World Water Forum by utilizing various platforms and social media. Public participation is essential to achieve the vision of "Water for Shared Prosperity".

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